Thursday, April 24, 2008

Early arrival!

I checked my cocoons and found that I had a moth emerge. It's days before I thought it would happen, and I think it's a male. He didn't have anything to crawl up on, so he was laying on his side which made one of his wings crumpled. I moved him to the breeding chamber and I'm hoping that since he's now hanging on a piece of fabric that his wing will expand. Since I don't know how long he'd been lying there his wing might not ever fully expand.

He's heavier than I remember the moths being from last time. But he's beautiful!

Also here's a shot of some of the meconium that he ejected after emerging. There was a lot more of it but I cleaned it up before I thought to take a shot of it.



At April 25, 2008 at 7:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man thats cool....hope he makes its.

How do you check gender?


At April 25, 2008 at 7:44 AM , Blogger Serena said...

I'm just guessing from the way it looks. I would expect a female to have a much larger abdomen since it should be full of eggs. Also the males have bigger antennae so they can scent out a female in the wild. Also I read that the males will emerge 2-3 days before the females.

I've sexed pupae before, but it was for a different moth, and not a silkmoth so it was easy to just pick up the pupae and look at it to tell. To sex these I would have to cut open the cocoons and I don't really want to do that. And I'm not sure the same sexing rules would apply to a different species.


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